PEB GESTIONI IMMOBILIARI was born in 2007 from a project of its founder Aldo Paludi: fully accompany the client from the choice of his first property to the final purchase contract. PEB was not meant to merely be an intermediary but the friend to rely on to reach your desires without forgetting about your needs. Now PEB GESTIONI IMMOBILIARI is a brand owned by PEB immobiliare Srl.
PEB, thanks to the seriousness and professionalism of its STAFF, has expanded its reach from Rome, throughout Italy, and even abroad, opening in 2018 its first foreign office in Spain.
“A game can be described in terms of strategies that players have to follow in their moves: there’s an equilibrium when no one can improve his behavior unilaterally. To change, it is necessary to act together”
(John Nash, Nobel prize)
If every component of a group follows his private interest, and we are in a case of perfect competition, then no participant of the group wins. Instead, we at PEB have created within our STAFF cooperation such that everyone acts not to obtain the highest gain for himself, but to obtain the best result for the group, thus achieving a better result also for himself.
PEB specializes in the sale and rental of properties. Thanks to our network in constant expansion, we can answer any need or necessity. Over the years, the brand has retained its “vocation” as a provider of quality services, in an attempt to establish itself as a single point of contact for the costumer’s attention, in a market in which there are